Monday, June 11, 2007

Larry Lorca, Stuffy's, HOPEful, Guernica

Richmond has the best graffiti and outdoor art... how come? Something about the vibe in Richmond, the South, the urban/nature mix - river, bricks, cinderblocks, and trees... it's all so vibrant and compelling. I like this photo above because YOU CAN SEE STUFFY's in the reflection!

Are artists like Judith Supine and Deuce7 starting in Richmond, with some moving to NYC, or is Richmond a draw for the NYC artists? Both, probably. I wish the raft shop hadn't closed... not spending so much time in the James, it isn't feeling like summer...

Larry Lorca is taking pictures of EVERYTHING. I'm so glad he got the classic...

HOPEful... Guernica boards. These are glued to the wall...

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