Monday, February 25, 2008

clown of the corn

corn clown.... it has taken almost five months but i've finally gotten all the photos off my phone. this clown statue was at the halloween corn maze, in which you can get seriously lost.

i'm going to buy a real camera. top choice would be an slr, a nikon d80 or nikon 300, but i'm not ready for that stuff yet and can't afford it anyway... right now a nice point and shoot will be a HUGE technical step up. zoe strauss took a lot of earlier photos with a konica minolta dimage s414, so if a 2003 4-megapixel point and shoot was good enough for her i think i'll be fine.

flickr has been an amazing camera research tool. you can see all the cameras used on flickr, look at the specs, read reviews, and look at all the pictures taken with whatever camera.

i'm definitely getting a canon. these are the ones that look best right now -

a. canon powershot sd1000 digital elph - 7.i megapixel, 3x optical zoom, 2.5 lcd, rechargeable - $179.00

b. canon powershot sd1100 digital elph (the update of the above camera, coming out in march) - 8 mp, 3x oz, 2.5 lcd, rechargeable, image stabilization - $249.00

c. canon powershot sd850 is - 8 mp, 4x oz, 2.5 lcd, rechargeable, image stabilization - $299.00

d. canon powershot sd870 is elph - 8 mp, 3.8 oz, 3x oz, rechargeable, image stabilization - $349.00

corn clown


  1. Hey Martin I am sorry that I inadvertently deleted your comment about the Hyde Collection. It was an accident. I did respond to your comment. Imagine someone like me, who barely has any readers to begin with, deleteing the rare comment that I do get.

    Man that clown is creepy.

  2. Here's some unsolicited advice! You'll be fine with any one of the cameras you have on your list. And I loved my Minolta dimage and still use it sometimes... dude it's getting your game on, it ain't the camera!

    Also, I can't even look at that picture of the clown. Do you want to frighten people away?


  3. YO Babe! my game has been ON!

    i'm just tired of taking 1.3 megapixel pictures that i can't make prints of.

    and i sometimes get photo requests.

    i like the way the crappy pictures look usually...

  4. i mean yo babe in the philadelphia term of endearment sense.

  5. For what it is worth, I've been livin' off of my PowerShot A560 for 2 years. I noticed at Radio Shack the current version was $150 and fancier and with anti-tremor control or takes-the-shakes-out options.

  6. Actually, I was lying because if your camera is 1.3 megapixels, it is your camera and not your game.

  7. steven - thanks (and zoe) - i was hoping to get some suggestions. your camera's 4x optical zoom is a big plus, but i don't want to have to deal with batteries. all the batteries i would buy over two or three years would probably be worth spending the extra 50 bucks or whatever on a rechargeable.

    zoe - i've got more than 3000 pictures on flickr, at least 2500 of which were taken with my 1.3 megapixel cellphone. i can't believe i have that many pictures on there.

  8. Martin, I bought four rechargeable batteries from radio shack and a $45 charger. This system allowed a pair to be charging while I used the other. That was two years ago and only recently did I notice that the batteries weren't holding their charge. That is, I replaced the batteries once in two years, and I take a lot of pictures and movies too.

  9. Martin,

    More unsolicited advice here... if you want a DSLR, I would recommend looking at the Nikon D40 or D40x. The D40 is about $500. I have the D40x and am amazed by the quality and the flexibility of it. I also have the Canon SD870 you mention and it is also a great camera.
