Tuesday, February 26, 2008


better late than never, some photos finally retrieved from my phone.... all stuff i liked from a nyc visit last fall -

Patrick Hill, Forming, at Bortolami - excellent show... maybe i can add more later.

nice installation shots here.

Lady Pink and Jenny Holzer, Tear ducts seem to be a grief provision, 1983, from I Am As You Will Be, at Cheim & Read.

More Jenny Holzer + Lady Pink images here.... and here's a good image of one. Ilona Granet did the lettering for Jenny. I'm not sure how it works credit-wise, who the "artist" is... the Cheim & Read show label said the piece was by Jenny Holzer and Lady Pink, the Monika Spruth Philomene Magers listing says they are by Holzer, with credit to Granet for the lettering and no credit to Pink. Lady Pink's paintings are AWESOME...

Jenny Holzer's flaming rocker. Jenny Holzer utilized by Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla.

Marcel Broodthaers, Femur d'une Femme Francaise, 1965, from I Am As You Will Be, at Cheim & Read.

Wendy White, from The Show's So Nice, at Monya Rowe - like the edges...

Charles Searles
Charles Searles, at GR N'Namdi Gallery.

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