Friday, August 29, 2008

misc internet

- Google "small abstract paintings"... with or without quotation marks. WOW.

- Roberta Smith wrote about public art last week. Is internet art considered public art? Is graffiti? She didn't mention either of those. My definition of public art is very looooose... I've added a public art label. UPDATE: I've re-read the article and now realize that Smith was writing specifically about public sculpture... it was probably an editor who made the public art headline.

- Tyler Green posted a response.

- anaba archived in the NYTimes!!! FOREVER!

- Major shake-up in my flickr ranking since I last posted the ten most-viewed photos (scroll down). Kjartan Slettemark has unexpectedly leapt into second place after getting more than 1,500 views because it was linked to in this comment thread.

- Read about the work of Kjartan Slettemark here.

- James Kalm was featured in the LATimes! That's cool. This is from April, but I just saw it.

- Speaking of LA, Eric Sall has a show opening next week at Acuna-Hansen.


  1. eric are you mad that i made fun of cai's Whitney Biennial Gap Artists Editions t-shirt? i thought your comment about that was joking but now i'm not so sure.

  2. .--- ..- ... - / -.- .. -.. -.. .. -. --.

  3. Huzzah!
    The gods of Google smile upon you!

  4. "eric are you mad that i made fun of cai's Whitney Biennial Gap Artists Editions t-shirt?"

    I don't give a fuck about Cai Guo-Qiang or the corporation he is shilling for.

    "i thought your comment about that was joking but now i'm not so sure."

    I was joking. Both Toot Toot comments were meant as a joke. Only a moron would criticize a person for posting self advertisements on their own blog.

  5. Surely China, collectively, has something other than smoke bombs and whistling petes and burn marks to export to other countries?

    I'm thinking "Save Darfur" AK-47 shaped cufflinks - civilization in the face of barbarity right?
