Monday, August 18, 2008

POETRY and ART at Geoffrey Young Gallery

Martha Lewis, Pseudonymity, 2008, acrylic gouache on paper - it's a small piece, click the photo to see it much enlarged.

Exquisitude, at Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington MA.

Martha Lewis
Martha Lewis - she had three small pieces... mandalas and machines... really liked. This green one is so Kirby. Bring me my Image Duplicator!

Paging Mike Martin, come in Mike Martin... you would also like these Martha Lewis works. I miss my old bedroom with the Mike Martin painting on the wall.

Gianna Commito, Tent, 2008 - as featured on The Old Gold! Old Gold-miner Jon Lutz will be adding an interview with her later on. She was in a Drawing Center show last year with Jered Sprecher... I think they went to school together (?).

Gianna Commito
Gianna Commito, Bend, 2008

Kathy Bradford
Kathy Bradford, Room of Unencumbered Promise, 2008 - that studio painting on the right reminded me a lot of Brenda Goodman's excellent studio paintings, with the canvases piled up. Guston-y.

Katherine Bradford talking with James Kalm. Katherine Bradford interviewed by Peter Acheson and Chris Martin, for The Brooklyn Rail.

Steve DiBenedetto, untitled, 2008, oil on linen, 24"x18".... click here to see a lot more Steve DiBenedetto from his current huge show in Albany. WORTH the TRIP.

POETRY READINGS! - Geoffrey Young is a poet, and the gallery holds poetry readings. We heard Derek Fenner, Ryan Gallagher, and Geoffrey Young read... Derek and Ryan are both published by Bootstrap Press.

Derek Fenner - so funny... all of the poems were about Katie Couric... and he played a slideshow of his KC art and related photographs as he read (and sang).

Ryan Gallagher - read one of his own poems, but mostly stuff from his book translating the funny vulgar bitter (love) poetry of Gaius Valerius Catullus. Catullus on Wikipedia.

Geoffrey Young
Geoffrey Young - THE MAN!


  1. Whoa. I just fell madly in love with Martha Lewis.

  2. i wouldn't have expected that...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (I get that alot when I mention my Zach Harris obsession)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
