Saturday, January 31, 2009

show and talk... plus secret need

I'm having a show in Philadelphia, at Gallery 817, at University of the Arts. The show runs from February 16 through March 6.

There will be an artist talk February 25th.... I'll have specifics later.

plus: hey guess what.... i do not own a computer. i have never owned a computer in my life. i have done this whole blog at libraries and on other people's computers. i need a laptop, free or cheap. please e-mail me.


  1. When I finally get rid of my really old gateway I will be happy to give it to you. The CDROM drives don't work but everything else does just fine. You might have something by then but I thought I would mention it anyway. By the way, my blog will now be 100% whine-free.

  2. Congratulations on the show. That's great. I hope I can go.

    It's hard to believe that you do not have your own computer. You must have a lot of nice friends. And libraries. I don't know of a cheap or free laptop, but my husband might.

  3. How much would cheap mean for a laptop?

  4. someone gave me a 12mac - it has a CD drive - I was going to use it in march by after that I could pass it on -quite adequate for blogging and such.

    SO not really all that great an ofer, but whatever.

    If you go on craigslist you can find something decent for 200-300 but I know its hard to scrape up that kind of cash.

    AFC got like 10 grand or something begging, but you'd have to be a full time blogger to attract that kind of support. I mean, what are you doing? Put ads on your blog. Do it now.

  5. Congrats on the show, and for blowing my mind about doing all this sans computer..

    I'm mostly shocked that you've never mentioned it before. You really suck at victim-mongering.

    I am impressed, and will be alert for any finds.

  6. Congratulations on your show.
    I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  7. congrats on the show martin. any hints as to what's going in?

  8. This computer is new but very inexpensive. Small, but may be enough for what you need.

  9. eric and zip - thanks! keep me in mind... maybe i will still need one.

    ham - you will see it?? that would be super...

    jon - paintings. i have maybe 12 brand new 2009 ones.. plus others. it's a school space - sales are not an issue - so i might show some of the keepers i have at home.. i think i will just bring a whole bunch down and decide once i'm there whether to keep it spare or fill it up... and whether to keep it to work from 2008/2009, or make it sort of a collection of paintings made since 2005... all of which are small abstracts.

    the talk will be fun.

  10. Twelve new 2009 paintings? That's just wrong.

  11. ha. most were started in november or december. i usually work on several at once and if i have a deadline will wrap them all up together.
