Monday, February 02, 2009

Anya Kielar

Anya Kielar, at Casey Kaplan.... CLOSES Saturday February 7th.

Saw her show at Daniel Reich in 4/2007 and really liked the boxes... and she had a nice piece in the just-closed Museum 52 sculpture show. Check out this show before it closes.

Anya Kielar

Anya Kielar - one of the sprayograms


  1. I like her, this is a weird show. Though it kind of has a slick look she picks such weird Man Ray early photography references her work is very unique.

    Martin I'm still amazed you make your whole (well researched and well designed) blog without a home computer.

  2. it's all true... that post was made at an internet/tax bodega on knickerbocker in bushwick... right now i am at tekserve.

    but i think i may have a computer running soon!!!

  3. I really liked this show.. it was a great surpise on a frigid freaking day (along with Nick Cave and Nathalie Dhurberg)

    Damn Martin. You amaze me. Well I am happy you may have something coming your way.. Back when B-rd worked at (some museum) we used to be able to get discarded shit all the time I wish I'd known.
