Thursday, February 26, 2009


Martha Cooper, at Ad Hoc Art.

Martha Cooper's Going Postal. Martha Cooper is the photojournalist who published the 1984 book Subway Art... something that I had to reshelve over and over again - and subsequently spent much time looking through - when I worked at a bookstore in the early 90's. Nice interview with Martha in the Village Voice last week.

Michael Lobel's James Rosenquist: Pop Art, Politics, and History in the 1960's. I haven't seen this book yet but I'm sure it will be excellent; Michael is the art historian who curated Fugitive Artist: The Early Work of Richard Prince, 1974-1977... producing a catalogue with blank squares and written descriptions in place of the images Richard Prince refused permission to reproduce. That show was reviewed twice in the NYTimes, by both Roberta Smith and Benjamin Genocchio. Michael also wrote the recommended Image Duplicator: Roy Lichtenstein and the Emergence of Pop Art.

Diane Schenker's book of poetry Relation/Couch/Dreaming.... pre-order here.

The cover illustration is a drawing by the late Morris Yarowsky, a 1966 piece given to Diane's husband when they were both at the University of Oregon.


  1. hey m: the village voice link sent me off to amazon instead...
