Saturday, March 07, 2009

Adam Simon

Adam Simon installing his show at Pocket Utopia... OPENS TONIGHT... Saturday March 7th, 6-10pm.

Adam Simon
hard at work.

Adam Simon, at Pocket Utopia. Adam is the creator of the Fine Art Adoption Network. I'll add links later.

after pocket utopia salon
Pocket Utopia Gang after pizza at Roberta's, following Sharon Butler's Pocket Utopia Salon. Pictured are Kevin Regan, Jonathan Stevenson, Austin Thomas, Brece Honeycutt, Sharon Butler.


  1. martin - I think that's Brece Honeycutt -- kind of hard to tell with the small picture (the artist whose name you forgot)

  2. Martin,
    Thanks for posting the image--I forgot it was snowing that night. Yes that's Brece, and the handsome guy second from the left goes by the name Jonathan Stevenson.

  3. thanks meridith and sharon, i fixed them.
