Friday, March 06, 2009

Sarah Braman

Sarah Braman, at Museum 52, at the Armory Show.

She had the whole booth, and it looked great. I was talking to her and sort of captivated because it looked so good with two pieces in the background on either side, but our attention(s) were diverted before I could get a picture.

Sarah Braman
I saw her Museum 52 show last year, and the smart two-person show with Joel Shapiro at Andrea Rosen, and the piece at Artist's Space a couple weekends ago... liking it more and more each time.

Sarah Braman, at Museum 52, at the Armory Show.


  1. these are great. i hope i can get over there and check them out.

  2. jon - liz n val are at pool. i'm going saturday i think...
