Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Abstractions and Contractions

Benjamin S. Jones background, Lisha Bai foreground.

Abstractions and Contractions, curated by Eun Young Choi, at Lumenhouse.... CLOSED March 29th.

Benjamin S. Jones
Benjamin S. Jones

Ethan Greenbaum
Ethan Greenbaum - happy to see these because this is the first time I have come across his work since first seeing it at Buia almost four years ago.

from anaba 11/14/05: "Ethan Greenbaum at Buia - Very much liked. My favorites were the most abstract, more sculptural ones like Person, Window, and Landscape. I think they are painted on sculpted and cobbled together pieces of foam or something. Person is a tall mustard-colored construction; part stop-sign, part hangman gallows."

Ethan Greenbaum, at Lumenhouse, detail.

Ethan Greenbaum, at Lumenhouse, detail.

Sandra Eula Lee.

Ivin Ballen. Ivan Ballen at Pulse.

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