Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fresh Asphalt

Ethan Greenbaum, in Fresh Asphalt, at Satori, through August 16th.

Ethan Greenbaum in Abstractions and Contractions, 4/2009.
Ethan Greenbaum at Buia, 11/2005.

Joyce Kim, in Fresh Asphalt, at Satori, through August 16th.


  1. THis show was a bit dull, monochromatic - muted or naturalistc palette - think of Mark TObey and Morris Graves.

    Not pop.

    I'm no expert but this sort of thing reminds me of Buddhism.

    Also, linking artists together purely by style is problematic - some of the artists have little to do with environment or landscape.

    The curator needs to think deeper and cast a wider net. But it is refreshing to see a group show that isn;t the usual suspects. And I;ve seen plenty of dumb shows by the usual suspects, so theres plenty of piss to go around.

  2. i do like asphalt and texture though - what about a show called "Synaesthete" featuring artists with a distinct sense for texture...or sand in their pigment, at least...

  3. for example why not curate these two togeher:

    Kelly McLane


    Ellen Orseck

  4. I'm sorry that I won't be able to see this show in person. I love deep paintings that don't rely of typical day to day imagery. It's always good to see shows of my friend CJ. She's a great painter whom I always love speaking with. I'm glad people are putting together shows that try to help push people's minds, and not just try to show a bunch of fluff.

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