Friday, July 24, 2009

Jaime Gecker

Jaime Gecker, Landing, 2009, photo transfer, spray paint, latex on canvas, in The living and the dead, at Gavin Brown.

Jaime Gecker
Jamie Gecker, polaroids collage, in the sum and all parts, in a temporary(?) space at 427 Manhattan Avenue.

Jaime Gecker in two group shows. The Gavin Brown show is up through August 7th, and the sum and all parts closes this Sunday 7/26, with a closing party Saturday night 8-12. I've been trying to post the shows that are closing today or this weekend (Hudson Franklin, Slough).

Old Gold has an interview with the sum and all parts curators Jenny Borland and Beau Rutland. Really liked the two LeRoy Stevens contributions.

PLUS: Also closing this Sat 7/24 is Jane Benson at Thierry Goldberg... definitely worth seeing if you will be visiting the LES today or tomorrow. I'll post photos later. Jaime Gecker on Old Gold. Jamie Gecker on anaba last summer in The Longest Day.


  1. Jaime Gecker makes amazing paintings. the one at Gavin Browns is a gem.
