Saturday, December 12, 2009

Barb Choit

Barb Choit, Nagel Fades, at Rachel Uffner Gallery.

Patrick Nagel posters exposed to tanning beds, lamps, and bleach, re-photographed and printed. Click the photos to enlarge.

Barb Choit had some nice studio set-up photos of lights in a show at Lisa Cooley last year; can't find my photos of them. Erin Shireff is up now at Lisa Cooley - right down the street from Uffner - also an excellent show. Both shows run through December 20th.

Dushko Petrovich at Rachel Uffner, Josh Blackwell at Rachel Uffner, Jennifer Cohen at Rachel Uffner, Roger White at Rachel Uffner, Amy Yao at Rachel Uffner... wow I like this gallery.

Anya Keilar is listed as having a future exhibition. That will be good and is a little surprising.

Like the palette, same as my MEGAMillions tickets.

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