Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Patrick Brennan

***Art-Stars attend Patrick Brennan's exhibition FAZES***

Saira McLaren.

Patrick Brennan. Patrick interviewed on The Old Gold.

Inna Babaeva and Wendy White. Inna interviewed on The Old Gold (and part 2), Wendy interviewed on The Old Gold.

Mike Hein. Mike interviewed on The Old Gold.

Kai Vierstra
Kai Vierstra.

Ned Colclough.

JJ Garfinkel
JJ Garfinkel.

Stacy Fisher and Fran Holstrom
Stacy Fisher and Fran Holstrom. Interview with Stacy Fisher on The Old Gold.

Patrick Brennan

Jon Lutz and Ned Colclough. Smiling Ned HERE.

Christian Sampson. Go see Christian Sampson and Ariel Dill at Southfirst.

Carrie Pollack and Gina Beavers. Carrie interviewed on The Old Gold.

Densie Kupferschmidt and Patrick Brennan
Denise Kupferschmidt with Patrick Brennan.

sweeeet paaaiiinntings.


  1. The sweete paintiiing on the right reminds me of certain byzantine mosaics i have seen in books showing church officials wearing b/w cross pattern robes. of course this one is more complicated than that.

  2. Beautiful exhibition and great blog!
    I love this kind of blogs about art.
    Check out mine
