Friday, February 09, 2007

oh... whitney time again

the whitney biennial 2008 curators have been announced. i will try not to get so worked up like last time...

they are still looking for a coordinator though. PLEASE PICK ME!! okay... that's it. ha ha.


  1. LOL! When I first saw this post I thought you said PLEASE FUCK ME! Not PICK ME!!

    That would have been so funny if you wrote that.

  2. I know who Edna is. Someone told me last weekend and I checked it out and it is true. She is an odd one.

  3. of course she is odd, she is an Oddess.

    please don't post here who she is, it is better left a mystery...

  4. I WILL NEVER POST WHO IT IS IN ANY PUBLIC FORUM. But why do you care??? Aren't you curious? Haven't you guessed yourself. Send me an email to if you have any ideas. Okay!

  5. I am not Kelli, the word is Kelli and I am not the word, I am anonymous, I am Jesus. Kelli is not good humored like Edna. She is NOT EDNA. goodness I love her, but she is an imposter. The question is will Kelli meet someone for drinks or will she stay home.

  6. anaba,can you ask PETER HALLEY if he ever attended Goddard colege as an undergrad or grad student in painting,despite his resume,there was someone by that name there and people often leave it out,after it "tanked".
