Sunday, February 11, 2007

Thanks, Richmond!

Okay... I am not in Richmond anymore (maybe for good)... so this is a good time to review the blog for Richmond Art highlights.

Some Favorite in-Richmond Posts:

i keep finding treasures
broad street robot dance
the Belmont Library is ruined, later... restored!
in-between alley
Castle Masters!
Spahr Brothers - not into their work, but the post is cute and funny.

Some Favorite Richmond Artists whose work I'm REALLY glad to have seen, and shared with all of the people who look at this blog -

Danielle Reide
Michelle Arthur
Nick Kuszyk
Kirsten Kindler, and here
Dawn Latane
Rachel Hayes, and here and here
Michael Mewborn
Eric Hall
Jeannine Harkleroad, and here
Tom Harte
Carolyn Henne
Joel Holmberg
Bruce Wilhelm, and here
Travis Conner, and here
Don Crow, and here
Paul DiPasquale, and here
Ron Johnson
Michael Lease, and here
Haigh Jamgochian, and here
Christopher Weideman
Scott Eastwood, plus Scott with Drew Liverman.
Jason Coates, and here
Timothy Sean Johnston, and here
Amanda Blackmon

That is NOT a listing of all of the Richmond artists that have been included on anaba, just a listing of some of my favorites to have been featured. They have all probably been mentioned multiple times, those links are to posts that look at their work in a little more detail. Use the little box in the top-left corner of the blog to search for any names.

Some Excellent Richmond Art Efforts to Remember -

Dinah and Paul Ryan's Adaptation Syndrome - panel post 1, panel post 2, panel post 3 (shocking conclusion!), Dominique Nahas follow-up.
John Ravenal's Artificial Light - post 1, post 2, secrets of Ceal Floyer revealed!, miami boo-boo.
Radius250 - here and here.
Amy Hauft's Relativity - here, here (17 comments!), and here
Sabine Russ and Gregory Volk's Surface Charge - pre-post (NOT a Karin Sander), post 1, post 2, my collaboration with Maix Mayer, cute fox.
Sculpture Invitational 2005 - here, here, here, and here.
Sculpture Invitational 2006 - pre-post (i'm in it as a social sculptor!), post 1, post 2.
VCU MFA Thesis Shows: Round One - here and here, Round Two here.

Some Richmond Art HEROES!!

Ashley Kistler - for her work with the Visual Arts Center of Richmond
Harry Kollatz
Amie Oliver
Jeremy Parker - for both Gallery5 and RVA Magazine and that whole community.
John Pollard - for ADA
Kirsten Kindler - i don't think ADA would have gotten very far without Kirsten's work, and support.
John Ravenal
Beverly Reynolds - the MOST gracious and beautiful gallerist in Richmond!
Melissa Roberts - for Nonesuch and that whole community.
Tom and Amanda Robinson - for Gallery5

My Richmond Flickr Set -

a TON of Richmond art pictures, like 800.

Some Favorite me in Richmond -

Face of Jesus
Super Surface Charge!
Seal of Approval
Guggenheim Richmond, Pictures From Another Planet, the Assault on Taste review
Jerry Saltz at Art Basel: Stuffy's, followed by a Studio Visit!!!
Meatballs at Stuffy's - the first Stuffy's show explained!

i might update this post later with things i've missed....

I wish that each of Richmond's nine Fortune 500 companies would chip in and give me four grand a year or so to keep anaba/me in Richmond.... that would be NICE.


  1. Wherever you are and wherever you'll be I find comfort in knowing you'll be present on Anaba or another blog so we can continue the dialogue.

    Bon chance!

  2. Martin, did you move? where to?

  3. i didn't really move, i'm just in limbo.

    i need a job somewhere.

  4. i mean, i'm not in richmond, but i haven't "moved" anywhere. i'm in upstate ny for now.

    it's cold.
