Thursday, June 07, 2007

Art Basel: Stuffy's Photos!!! PLUS... where are they now???

Douglas Witmer sent me his Art Basel: Stuffy's photos! LOOK, this is it! The pieces on that first wall are me, Michael Lease, 3 by Drew Liverman, and Rachel Hayes. Check out all the booths!

I saw today that Drew has an EIGHT-PAGE spread in the current issue of Beautiful Decay! wow. PLUS, Rachel has a review in NYArts Magazine.

Oura Sananikone, Bruce Wilhelm, Travis Conner, Timothy Sean Johnston, Don Crow, Scott Eastwood.

Bruce has got a lot going on.... Don is back in Richmond for the summer.... Scott is where? Last thing I know is Scott made Boozefox with Drew and Jules, in Austin... and it LOOKS AMAZING... Travis is probably in a boxcar somewhere?


Timothy Sean Johnston and Don Crow.

First wall - Drew Liverman, Travis Conner, Rachel Hayes, Barbara Tisserat.

Back wall - Scott Eastwood, Travis Conner

Art Basel: Stuffy's

Drew Liverman, Tom Harte, Drew Liverman, Scott Eastwood, Travis Conner.

Don Crow, Scott Eastwood, 2 by me, Paul DiPasquale, Drew Liverman, Travis Conner, Rachel Hayes, Barbara Tisserat.

Scott Eastwood, Travis Conner, Scott Eastwood.

2 by Tom Harte, Fiona Ross, Drew Liverman, Travis Conner, 2 by Michael Lease, Oura Sananikone.

That is almost the whole show, only a couple spaces not shot. One artist, Michelle Arthur, isn't pictured here, these photos were taken at the end of the show and she had just picked up her stuff.

Jerry Saltz at Art Basel: Stuffy's!!! We are still waiting for the review!

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