Wednesday, June 20, 2007

oops.... PLUS! MUCH! MORE!!!

Oops. Nancy Baker's interview with Eva Lake talked about how important it is to always be spinning how GREAT everything is going, and Corny (in comments) briefly touches on the dangers of appearing self-promoting.... I'M SCREWED.

Okay, here are some of my recent rejections - AAI studio space program REJECTED, Sarah Lawrence gallery show REJECTED, AboutGlamour abstract show REJECTED, White Columns artist registry REJECTED (not a big surprise, considering). There was more but I can't remember it all.

Rejection Blasts From Anaba Past: i can't complain, i guess, rats is the word, Provincetown Rejection Recap, love, Richmond, Subscription to Rejection, Libby Lumpkin - OPTIONS 2005, Packets of Rejection, Latest Rejections, Virginia Commission for the Arts, LMCC 2004.

It was a relief two PLUS years ago first discovering the MM and FB blogs...

"I am imprisoned by failure. The Greater New York Show. What is so great about it? Why do these crafty titans refuse me? Ignore me?" - FB

"I'm defeated. So. You know how I'm googling my enemies. Well. I googled an enemy and it turns out that she got into something I applied for. UNACCEPTABLE!" - MM

Am I the only one that sometimes does the self-promoting at the same time as the talking about how great everything isn't going? That actually got me a show, and a review (okay, a blurb) in Time Out New York! Bustin' all the rules!!!


Chris Ashley is next on Eva's interview program. I really like this recent piece he's posted... kind of like that Magritte painting, kind of a scholar's rock. Nice one.

Watch this youtube Salvador Dali video posted to Amie Oliver's blog. He was a guest on What's My Line! It's really good. I wish that statue had been made.

Pat Berran - along with Kate Horne, Amie Cunningham, and Candice Hoeflinger - has a show opening at RARE this Thursday, 6-8. If possible I'm gonna try to make that opening, but it is at the same time as my Painting Center opening. Maybe I will get over in the last twenty minutes or so??? Pat and Kate have both shown at Nonesuch. I miss Nonesuch.

Jack Kirby's 'Fourth World', a book(?!), was reviewed in the Village Voice art column. I want that book. You have to scroll past the horrible Mr., but there is a good Zoe Strauss review in there also.

I added Kirby and Dali to Tyler's list.


  1. Hey Martin - got the invite to the Painting Center show yesterday - congratulations!! I met MM, Slothy and Peeds at Sarah's show - fun!

  2. Thanks for the video link - it was fun...

  3. wasn't it? he was great.

    can you imagine a contemporary artist being on that show and getting guessed? who??
