Thursday, March 27, 2008

Christoph Buchel

Christoph Buchel, at the Armory.

Swiss(?) children reading the transcript from the motion hearing... different children reading each role. The part recorded here is Judge Posner.

5/16/2007 - predicting the show will never open
5/22/2007 - expecting notoriety
5/29/2007 - report from tarp show
6/12/2007 - some views
6/18/2007 - Buchel exhibits legal documents in Switzerland
7/27/2007 - tools of the master
7/30/2007 - CLANCCO cranks it up
8/20/2007 - World's First Google image search sculpture
9/05/2007 - Robert Storr VS. Nancy Spector
9/19/2007 - announcement, links to NYTimes, Brooklyn Rail...
9/21/2007 - report from the motion hearing.. part 1
9/22/2007 - report from the motion hearing... part 2
9/24/2007 - on Roberta's piece, and more
9/25/2007 - 2nd correction to Roberta's NYTimes piece
12/09/2007 - Buchel's Miami coda, with Jenny Holzer piss-take
2/15/2008 - From: Michele Maccarone
3/2/2008 - spirit of sharing
3/4/2008 - Clark Anti-Forum, aka Balancing Act by Christoph Buchel
3/27/2008 - Pissed-off Douche L., at the Armory... this was one of my favorite pieces.
9/21/2008 - Marc LeBlanc essay, with photos.
6/14/2009 - Appeal process begins; read the briefs.
9/17/2009 - Guy Ben-Ner takes the piss.
1/28/2010 - REMANDED!


  1. Isn't he cute?

  2. Dude I tried to find ya at Nate's opening.. which sucked hipster balls.

  3. i was there! maybe you were there too early, it was star-studded when i was there.

  4. I walked in at the same time as Ryan McGinley.. if that tells you anything...
