Saturday, October 25, 2008

Begin Again Right Back Here

John Beech, Res #4, 2003, Plexiglass, MDF, foam.

Begin Again Right Back Here, curated by B. Wurtz, at White Columns, Oct 2008.

This is the show mentioned when I posted on Party at Phong's House... two of the best group shows I saw earlier this month. Both are artist-curated medium-specific shows built around central artists... the Chris Martin (painter) show stars Ron Gorchov, the B. Wurtz (sculpture) show grounded by a Sol Lewitt.

Begin Again Right Here included a number of favorite artists... John Beech at Peter Blum was one of the best shows I saw last year.

Nancy Shaver, Bluebox, yellow line, 2004, Wooden box, cardboard boxes, charcoal, flashe, acrylic and house paint.

Nancy Shaver had an excellent show at John Davis earlier this year... including this collaboration with Kenji Fujita. John Davis Gallery ROCKS!

Fawn Krieger, Case Study 67, 2008, Wood, plexiglass, carpet, silicone, plastic, photograph.

YAY to Fawn... I didn't even recognize this as hers.. she is multi-talented, everything is always really good. I'm for Fawn.

Fawn Krieger

Fawn Krieger
Fawn on anaba 2/2/06, Fawn on anaba 2/22/o8, Fawn at the Armory Show.

Diane Simpson, Apron no.5, 2002, mixed media.

Has a fifties vibe... a fetish object, some kind of bondage thing... but this piece is more like samurai armor than a kimono. Diane Simpson, featured on a good Chicago artblog.

Diane Simpson
the rack.

Vincent Fecteau, untitled, 2006 - had to walk around and around this one.

Gareth Moore, Rock painting Turning Back, 1997/2008, Acrylic paint, masonite, glue - gems painted on gem construction, here is another angle.

B. Wurtz and a number of included artists show at Feature... I will most likely never be invited to show at Feature... nor White Columns (scroll down, haha).


  1. I really enjoy John Beech's work, I enjoyed the five works that I got to install for Microsoft when I was the lead art preparator of their collection. It was a highlight along with the Jessica Stockholder that they had! Nice to have found your blog!

  2. I kept crashing on the Vincent Fecteau site, but it was worth the effort. Those pieces are incredible.

  3. vincent fecteau has just been taken on my matthew marks well deserved.

  4. that's nice... congratulations to him. i think i saw a vincent fectau in a group show there last year, with chamberlain foam pieces and some other good stuff... or was that somewhere else? that was a good show.

  5. oh yeah, it was somewhere else, at david zwirner. i made like three posts on that show.

  6. i love framed space. fred Sandback did it so well. Who did space first?I just got an email about yet another artist witha blinged out skull who claims to have done it in 2001.

    Well goddamn!

  7. oh and google boolean operations - in a rachel whitreade meets coat anger kind of way.

