The show includes sixteen paintings, all from 2008 (except one).

Martin Bromirski, Circus on Mars, John Davis Gallery, October 9 - November 2, 2008
UPDATE: on The Old Gold... we are talking in progress.... check out the previous artists.
UPDATE: Flickr set.
Congrats Martin, really fantastic. The work looks great in that slightly foreboding space. You're going to make us ask what that diagonal cord is image #5, right? Wait, theres another one closer, on the left.
Wonderful works Martin !
I love the pics Martin..
thanks dudes!
vic - the space is the third floor of an old carriage house... the ropes are for pulling the elevator up and down.
Love the way you installed them with wires (inverted V) showing.
perfect space for the work
The cords are nice, it reminds me of your Kassarole install. My favorite's Mr. Winky.
the ropess make me think of the circus. and the spotlights.
winky is super wagamama!
are you talking about the clown one? I don't think it's winking. more like cat eyeballs
oh i thought he was talking about the fifth one down.. that sort of looks winky... it's definitely wagamama.
Wonderful. Great to see them again.
The show looks great and super-mysterious. You should have an audio-tour narrated by Vincent Price.
the fifth one down definitely winked at me.
Adding my congrats to the basket of kudos you've already received. Very nice work.
I am trying to figure out a way to get to Hudson before the show closes.
congrats martin!
supergoodness mb.
Cool, looks good Martin, haven't been in the carriage house yet, look forward to seeing your show.
mark - are you going to be in hudson? awesome.
yup, go to Bennington quite often to see my daughter. Check out the Vt. Art Exchange for the monthly music series, it's great! And a plug for my friends at the PM wine bar in Hudson, after opening/closing party!
The pics of the show look great, but it was seeing you painting on the front page at atrnet.com magazine that caught my eye. Way ta gooo.
Third floor of a carriage house? They musta had bigger carriages back then.
THANKS! that was a nice surprise, for sure.
I think clear day, colour circles and ladybirds would be good for a cover of a twee-pop album!
I just saw the Picture Postcard Martin! awesome.
Hi Martin,
Congratulations on the show,I saw it this afternoon - my first time to the gallery. That carriage house is an incredible space. The physicality and the varied layers of the work is wonderful. I'm glad i made the trip
cralbert - thanks for going, and yeah it is a really cool space.
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