Friday, April 17, 2009

Lauren Luloff

Lauren Luloff, at Sunday LES.

Saw these before the show had opened - they were still installing - although I think it was mostly(?) done except for the lights. That reversed piece at right above is a Keltie Ferris from a previous show... I'm pretty sure it has been replaced with something by Lauren.

The gallery was filled with large pieces all squeezed together, some hanging and some sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall (maybe it totally changed by the time the show opened)... it felt like an environment, not a formal gallery space. Her 2007 show at Sideshow was a two-person exhibition and Lauren's work was alternated throughout the space with that of the other artist; it felt too regimented for the work. I actually said about that show "it sort of makes me long for a little bit more installation chaos... or maybe just a closer hanging of her stuff". I hope this stuff didn't get too much more "installed" for the show... I liked it all over the place and packed together. I'll try to get back and see the actual show before it closes.

Lauren Luloff

Lauren Luloff

Inspector Goodman.

Lauren Luloff
The back... first thing you see when you enter the gallery.

Lauren has recently studied under Amy Sillman... I was talking to someone at Sillman's Tang opening - probably Lauren - about this Amy Sillman painting and how it was sort of like a representation of a piece Lauren might make, with painted fabric stretched over a structure.


PLUS: Lauren Luloff on anaba 4/20/07... I loved this stuff. Lauren Luloff on anaba 11/8/06 - photos of work from a show at Cinders and from her myspace.


  1. I like that photo of the back

  2. feel seasick from these

  3. They are a little hard to take. But I think they're good.

    Inspector Goodman. Funny.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I went to penn state with Lauren in the 90's. she was young, and was making amazing paintings then. its great to see her doing well. Also, I went to this opening and saw her for the first time in 10 years.

  6. The super 3-d ones are someof the coolest paintings I've ever seen.
