Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Nancy Smith's Low-Fi Par-Tay of Watercolors & Paper Banners at Other Music, opening reception THIS THURSDAY May 21st, 7-9pm, 15 East 4th Street, through July 3oth. Nancy Smith of artloversnewyork.... she's the greatest.

Timothy Buckwalter at Bar Olivino, opening reception May 24th, 6-9pm, Bar Olivino, 899 Fulton Street in Brooklyn, through June 6th. These bi-weekly shows are curated by Michael Zahn... wish I had been in the city when Nora Griffin was up.

Rosanna Bruno, Sharon Butler, and EJ Hauser each have individual shows opening at John Davis Gallery on Saturday May 3oth, 6-8pm. John Davis has a main year-round gallery space and a second building - a former carriage house - which is used for the summer... each artist gets a floor. Rosanna is in the main gallery space.

RELATED: photos from my John Davis show last October, last show of the season in the carriage house.


  1. thanks for the mention martin. hope to see you up there.

  2. peeds i am looking forward to it.
