Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Geometric Progressions

EJ Hauser

Geometric Progressions, at Edward Thorp, through November 16th.

EJ Hauser

EJ Hauser

EJ Hauser, at John Davis Gallery, on anaba 6/1/2009.
EJ Hauser, in Unbreak My Heart, at Pluto, on anaba 1/9/2009.
EJ Hauser, in Party at Phong's, at Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, on anaba 10/13/2008.

Rosanna Bruno

Rosanna Bruno

Rosanna Bruno

Rosanna Bruno, at John Davis Gallery, on anaba 6/1/2009.
Rosanna Bruno, in Unbreak My Heart, on my flickr, 1/2009.

Patrick Brennan

Patrick Brennan
patrick brennan


Patrick Brennan, at Nicole Klagsbrun, on anaba 8/15/2010.
Patrick Brennan, at Monya Rowe, on anaba 6/14/2010.
Patrick Brennan, FAZES, on anaba 12/9/2009.
Patrick Brennan, at Artist's Space, on anaba 2/28/2009.
Patrick Brennan, at Heskin Contemporary, on anaba 1/12/2009.

Jered Sprecher - no sense of scale here... this larger painting is much grander in life.

Jered Sprecher, with Steven Zevitas Gallery, at Volta, on anaba 3/10/2010.
Jered Sprecher, at Jeff Bailey Gallery, on anaba 4/9/2007.
Jered Sprecher, at ADA Gallery, on anaba 12/20/2006.



  1. Some wonderful paintings.

    "All works are executed with intellectual curiosity and seriousness, merging the personal into the preconceived tropes of geometric abstraction."

    Well sure, but are the "tropes" STILL the tropes? Does historical modernism still hold that much power over artists as something to react to, or is it just the most convenient way to place their work? Or am I being impatient -- after all, it's really only a few decades, 100 years at the very most. Art from the past is still powerful, and I am always happy to see dialogues within work with other work. But is that being truthful to the actual concerns in the studio? Or does that matter, i.e., is is the job of the gallery/critic/market/academe to shoehorn contemporary production into existing histories? cuz i can do that.
    Or maybe we just need to more carefully define what those tropes are in 2010. I mean Peter Halley is as canonized and historical as Mondrian (nothing said here about quality). And we can't blame the gallery press release for putting it into shorthand.

    ps How is R Bruno geometric? By the memory of the gird, all gooshy and warped? Who cares, they're lovely.

  2. LOVE these paintings!

  3. bold, interesting work.
