Friday, November 27, 2009

Some Exhibitions at College Art Galleries

Some Exhibitions Seen at College Art Galleries -

Gregory Coates at Opalka Gallery, Sage College, Albany.

Lane Twitchell at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.
Judith Linhares at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.
Mr. President at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.
James Siena at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.
David Herbert at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.
Steve DiBenedetto at University Art Museum, SUNY Albany.

Larry Poons at Massry Gallery, College of St. Rose - coming in February 2010!
Judy Pfaff at Massry Gallery, College of St. Rose - not on my blog but on my flickr.

Tony Feher and Jason Middlebrook , at Usdan Gallery, Bennington College.

sorry, NO PHOTOS allowed at the Tang.
Martin Kersels at Tang Museum, Skidmore.
Joseph Grigely at Tang Museum, Skidmore.
Amy Sillman at Tang Museum, Skidmore.
Nicole Eisenman at Tang Museum, Skidmore .
Arlene Shechet at Tang Museum, Skidmore.
Kathy Butterly at Tang Museum, Skidmore.
Molecules That Matter at Tang Museum - okay this one was too bad not to talk about.
Richard Pettibone at Tang Museum - it was too ridiculous not to note that this 'teaching museum' forbid photography of the work of an appropriation artist, an artist who created a body of work from polaroids he'd taken at museums. The Tang actually posted text next to the paintings that read "these tiny, exquisite paintings reiterate art history's reliance on photography to propagate our knowledge about painting".
Michael Oatman at Tang Museum - posted before I got fed up with the no photos allowed rule.

Christoph Ruckhaberle at Shick Art Gallery, Skidmore - this is the older - and now less prestigious - gallery at Skidmore, at which they seem to have no problem with photography. What is the difference? Ruckhaberle is a prominent artist... one of the Liepziggers and he showed at Zach Feuer until recently.

Artificial Light, at Anderson Gallery, VCU -
post 1 (prologue), post 2 (MAIN POST), post 3 (joke post), post 4 (Miami epilogue).
Surface Charge, at Anderson Gallery, VCU -
post 1 (Sigal, Sander, Odita, Robersdottir), post 2 (Herzog, Mayer, Peisajovich, Schoenstadt, Sigurdardottir, Smart), post 3 (joke post), post 4 (more Maix Mayer).

RELATED: Nicole Eisenman and Arlene Shechet opening reception photos. Amy Sillman opening reception photos. Arlene Shechet at Elizabeth Harris photos.

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