Friday, May 06, 2005

Richmond Recap

Following is a list of local artists whose work I've written about since starting this blog.


Judith Bauman
Kristen Beal
Saul Becker
Sarah Bednarek here and here and here
Calvin Burton
Jon Clary
Jason Coates
Derek Cote
Don Crow
Tim Devoe
Halli Emminger
Margaret Evangeline - (not local but showed at the Hand Workshop Art Center)
JD Garn
Joan Gaustad
Jason Hackett
Emily Hall
Eric Hall
Rachel Hayes
Carolyn Henne
Joel Holmberg
Susan Jamison here and here
Ron Johnson here and here
Jules Jones
Sheep Jones
Steve Jones here and here
Shirley Kaneda - (not local but she had a good show at Reynolds Gallery)
Duane Keiser here and here
Nicholas Kuszyk
Michael Lease
Steven Little
Sculpture/Crafts show - (generally critical but no specific names)
Mike Martin
Dennis Matthews
Joe McSpadden
Ryan Mulligan
John Newman here and here
John Ravenal - (curator)
Beverly Reynolds - (gallerist)
DJ Rice
Rachele Riley
Fiona Ross
Jody Schwab
Erling Sjovold
Strange Detective
Lewis Taylor
Heide Trepanier - other viewpoints here and here.
Carly Troncale
Marius Valdes
Bruce Wilhelm

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