.Guy Ben-Ner at
Mass MoCA. Eight films played large in eight spaces. It takes about an hour and forty-five minutes to watch them all (each is 10 to 20 minutes)... WORTH IT!
Moby Dick, 2000
Elia - A Story of an Ostrich Chick, 2003
Wild Boy, 2004
Treehouse Kit, 2005
I'd Give it to you if I could but I borrowed it, 2006-2007
Stealing Beauty, 2007 - the IKEA one.
Second Nature, 2008 - fox and crow
If Only It Was as Easy to Banish Hunger by Rubbing the Belly as It Is to Masturbate, 2009
If Only It Was as Easy to Banish Hunger by Rubbing the Belly as It Is to Masturbate is an adventure/comedy buddy movie starring Mass Moca Director
Joe Thompson and artist Guy Ben-Ner as they track themselves by airplane, car, and bicycle while having a conversation mostly by reading from and referencing books like
Around the World in 80 Days,
King Lear,
The Little Prince,
Through the Looking Glass,
Don Quixote,
The Divine Comedy.Thompson pilots a plane which crashes, then they get in a car - without putting on their seatbelts, Thompson driving - which crashes, then they get on a tandem bicycle with Thompson doing all the pedaling... until they arrive at a dead end sign at an empty dirt field. The borrowed literature conversation is friendly banter on issues of commitment, compromise, inevitability, purpose, mid-life crisis, and (divorce) contracts.
Christoph Buchel vs Mass MoCA
Guy Ben-Ner and Joe Thompson on a bicycle built for two, with Thompson doing all the pedaling.
Joe Thompson: I think we're going uphill now.
Guy Ben-Ner: No, I stopped pedaling.
JT: It's getting harder.
GBN: I said I just stopped pedaling.
JT: Start again.
GBN: Give me a reason to.
JT: Start pedaling
GBN: It's too late for that.
JT: You can say that again
Don't want to mislead anyone into thinking this piece is only an elaborately sly Buchel piss-take... it's more... I'm just sharing a layer which most people would never catch on to. When they get to the dead-end field one of them says "no circus here", and the seating is even recycled from the abandoned Buchel theater.
PLUS1: Mass MoCA has five other shows happening concurrently, including
the must-see Sol Lewitt building.
PLUS2: Still waiting for the written decision on
Christoph Buchel's appeal.