Alan Shields, at Greenberg Van Doren.

Dance Bag, 1985
I've been loving his work since first seeing it in the High Times, Hard Times show at the Weatherspoon.



He was into Buckminster Fuller's dome-style architecture and was imagining work built for future geodesic dome houses, spaces without conventional flat walls.


1971-73, cylinder... hangs by a center cable, slowly rotates

beads paint thread cloth

Alan Shields.
Totally primed me for loving Lauren Luloff
lovely playful.
reminds me of a painter version of B Wurtz! Hve u seen his show at metro pictures?
i haven't seen the B. Wurtz show but i'd like to... not coming down again until a couple days before i leave for Istanbul 7/27!
wowza! have fun in istanbul!
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