Rachel Harrison's current show at Greene-Naftali. I took this photo from the NYTimes... she got a good review.

Mike Kelley's installation at Metro Pictures, 1999. It's a replica of a real thing in LA Chinatown. I took this photo from the internet.

My favorite sculpture in Shibuya... I don't know who did it. Those colored lights slowly go on and off. I love this thing. I took this photo myself!

Isa Genzken. I took this photo from Wendy White's blog.

Mildred Elfman Greenberg. Wish I had these photos in color. I scanned these photos from a little exhibition book I have.

Mildred Elfman Greenberg. Mirror on top of colored pedestal, mirror on underside(?) of chair(?), colored feathers and flower(s) stuck in seat(?) cushion, colored birds atop legs. Something on the mirror, can't remember.
Mildred is a lost master. These are from about 1990.... pre-dating all of the other stuff on here. Someone in Philadelphia has almost all of her stuff in storage.... she died in 2003 at 91. Does anybody know what can be done with it? I have the e-mail.
story of Mildred... more stuff by Mildred... my Mildred flickr set... the Mildred piece I bought from Sam and one of his letters to me.

Detail from Mike Kelley's 1999 Metro Pictures installation.
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