About to give the Gursky handshake.

Let me tell you about Gursky.

Relating a Gursky secret?

Gursky did this.

Gusky charm point.


Gursky, I'm telling you, Gursky.

Gursky holds the camera this way.

I... I am momentarily Gursky.

Think about it.... Gursky.

You there, come here and let me tell you about Gursky.

Gursky is... is... so...

Gursky is Il Migliore!

The other booths don't have Gursky.


Gursky Gursky Gursky. Don't you see? Gursky.

Gursky should see this, how hard this man is working for him and how passionate he is.
Your coverage of the fair is by far the best. You are a funny one, Martin.
that is hysterical.
martin, I cannot tell you how much i love this post. gursky.
seriously, I laughed out loud about just thinking about this post today when I was by myself in the car
This post is freaking hilarious. I kept waiting for this guy to strangle a kid while shouting "Gursky! Gursky! Gurrrrrrrrrrsky!"
Extremely funny post. Thanks for the laugh.
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