Last year went OVERBOARD with favorites so trying keep this list small and personal, limited to abstract painting...

Vittorio Colaizzi

Simon Hantai - from 1981, but new to me.

Lance Rautzhan - i know a lot of different groups of artists in NYC, many of them overlap, and Lance belongs to NONE of them... it's so weird! anyways, i love it.

Lauren Luloff at BUOY!!!

Justin Adian - this piece and a solo show at Blackston

Maria Walker

Ken Weathersby

Rosanna Bruno - in 2 shows

Wendy White

Peter Acheson

Beth Gilfilen

Edwin Ruda - not new or even new to me, but newly appreciated.
SUPER SPECIAL top favorite shows:
Cro-Mirski!!! and Shadow Boner!!! THANK YOU to everyone who came.
Regret not getting around to posting Whitney Claflin (2x... at Real Fine Arts and Thomas Erben), Suzanne Frecon, Blair Thurman, Harriet Korman (in 2 shows)... others surely but that is who comes to mind.
2009 - Favorites '09... went overboard! ends with one worst.
2008 - Favorites '08
2007 - Fantastic Four 2007... with a list of 'worsts' at bottom. an update with more '07 faves
2006 - no list
2005 - no list
2004 - Some Favorite Art Things 2004, My Worst Art Things 2004
UPDATE: yeah already realized i did not list Larry Poons and Dona Nelson... basically everything on the blog is a favorite. this is impossible.