Kai Vierstra, originally uploaded by Bromirski.
Kai Vierstra has updated his website with new work completed at Skowhegan this summer. Above is a photo of the bastard's studio with Buckminster Fuller-Corner Preacher and here is Thunder Plinth.
from Kai's site -
"Buckminster Fuller- Corner Preacher is a sculpture that I made for the roof of my studio in Central Maine. It uses the sound altering properties of the parabolic* reflector to broadcast (shoot)(shout?) a beam of sound in the semi-circle around the corner of the building. This point of focus is controlled by ropes & pulleys located in front of, and above my chair which is situated at the door to my studio. The sound that is heard while standing in the beam is Buckminster Fuller's 1968 lecture at the Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture. It was only available for listening on the property, copying is strictly forbidden. It is, therefore, a very special message in so many ways."
Yay, Kai!
Martin, Hi, I got that thumbs up shot with Sarah. It's on my buddy Steve's camera in Beantown. I'll get it to you soon, maybe that'll clear up this whole bastard thing- if only for a short bit. Thanks for the news coverage, stay tuned for video and my new SuperQuake.
Oh, yes, please have your friend send the picture!
If you're gonna insult my thoughts, work, face, whatever- do it with some pizazz, please. The way I figure it, you're wasting your time sitting at the computer anyways. Why don't you try to make something more of it. Show some thought.
Thanks in advance for your elaboration
Don't worry, Kai, that was just a doink in Richmond reading this blog for three hours - a taker, not a giver, not a contributor to anything.
Kai, you're awesome, fake-face doink was probably referring to my thumbs-up thing.
Doink - THREE HOURS and all you can come up with is "lame"?
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