Somebody I knew from back in the day has won a Guggenheim for poetry -
Daisy Fried! Wow! I knew she had some books and was doing well, and that she had won
a Pew a number of years ago, but.. wow! She was friends with my roommates,
The Knife And Fork Band, and then started working at the bookstore. She was really great, so I am happy for her.
Now I've googled
The Knife And Fork Band and they are still together! We had a big two-story four-bedroom apartment, with an open space on the second floor where they would practice. My room was just off this and I would paint my
Humbertos while they were practicing, so much creative energy. They are/were sort of folksy, so when they weren't practicing I'd crank Nirvana. It was 1991.
Compelled to google all the art Guggenheimers, here they are -
Olive Ayhens, Artist, Brooklyn, New York: Painting
Markus Baenziger, Artist,
Hilary Brace, Artist, Santa Barbara, California: Drawing
Marco Breuer, Photographer, Hudson, New York
Peter Fend, Artist, Berlin, Germany: Visual art
Judy Fox, Artist, New York City: Sculpture
Dana Frankfort, Artist, Long Island City, New York: Painting
Daisy Fried, Poet, Northampton, Massachusetts; Grace Hazard Conkling Writer-in-Residence, Smith College: Poetry.
Maria Elena González, Artist, Brooklyn, New York: Sculpture and installation art.
Katie Grinnan, Artist,Los Angeles; Lecturer, University of California, Irvine: Sculpture.
Cynthia Lin, Artist, New York City; Guest Faculty in Visual Arts, Sarah Lawrence College: Drawing and painting
Wilbur Niewald, Artist, Mission, Kansas; Professor of Painting Emeritus, Kansas City Art Institute, Missouri: Painting.
Roxy Paine, Artist, Brooklyn, New York: Sculpture.
George Quasha, Video Artist, Barrytown, New York: Video
Paul Sattler, Artist, Greenfield Center, New York; Associate Professor of Art and Art History, Skidmore College: Painting
Carl Sander Socolow, Photographer, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Photography
Jeff Talman, Sound Artist, Brooklyn, New York; Assistant Professor of Visual and Media Arts, Emerson College: Sound Art
Anthony Tasset, Artist, Oak Park, Illinois; Professor, School of Art and Design, College of Architecture and the Arts, University of Illinois, Chicago: Sculpture.
Jackie Tileston, Artist, Philadelphia; Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania: Painting.
Hilary Wilder, Artist, Houston; Instructor, Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: Painting and installation art
I am only familiar with four of these artists. There are so many artists!!!