Saw this
Mitch Epstein photo like 4 different times in one week... first I saw it
on Tyler's blog, then I saw it
on Paddy's blog, then I saw it in the exhibition at
Sikkema Jenkins (briefly, because the show was a snooze).... THEN, I saw this HUGE one at night in a big window.
This big one was the best, because the photo already had such a stageset feel... seeing it in those footlights at real backdrop size seems right. Plus - the daytime photo, spotlit, at NIGHT... something about all that... I like the two opposing light sources, the sun vs. the spotlights... makes the picture more eerie.
Constable and
Pisarro are both tooo much of a stretch for me, sorry. Maybe
X-Files, okay.
Some Chelsea YUCK!s, SNOOZEs and So-Whats - YUCK!s: Julie Evans at
Julie Saul - they were GUSHING over these paintings
on Winkleman's blog... they make me feel ill.
Christopher Tanner at Pavel Zoubok - i vomited. which sucks, because i like zoubok's
john evans and
lanigan-schmidt, so i was hoping this would be a good one.
Susanne Kuhn at Goff + Rosenthal - i can't decide if this is a yuck, a snooze, or a so-what.
So-Whats:Borf video at
eyebeam - oooo, look at me push over a port-a-potty. i'm a bad boy. look at me. hey, you're not looking at me! please pet me.
(this one is a snooze/so-what)
SNOOZES:Amy Cutler at
Leslie Tonkonowgroup show at CRG - i tried to get into them, but failed.
Tomory Dodge is definitely better than last time...
in 7/2005 i liked Dufresne's small pieces at Monya Rowe better than the big ones at
Lehmann Maupin; the pieces here are all big. maybe she was my favorite in the show (?).
all four of them are okay, but they all remind of someone else (in a negative way), and all of them seem to be missing something... a spark or something.
Torben Giehler at Leo Koenig - BUMMer when you go to a gallery prepared to really like whatever they are showing... and it is a snooze. my bad timing.
um... some are okay from far away?
group show at
Alona Kagan - (can't find it on-line)
Saeko Takagi at
ATM - maybe with a second visit i would like it more?
Elliot Hundley at Andrea Rosen - i'm
almost there... but again, that spark.
Lamar Peterson at Freericks & Frieser - some weird stuff happening.
UPDATE: i've decided i really like it.
Josh Smith at
Luhring Augustine- some are seriously unbelievably horrible yuck/so-whats, but
a few are interesting(?).